Clocking up too much time in front of our screens is leading to serious health issues

Would it surprise you to learn that office-based workers throughout the UK spend close to 1,700 hours per year staring at a computer screen? In addition to that, there’s also many hours at home using some form of screen. There’s no escape it seems. Sadly, in today’s digital age, our ‘screen’ is the main constant… Continue reading Clocking up too much time in front of our screens is leading to serious health issues

How to Encourage Your Client to Enjoy Their Workout Sessions?

Let’s face the reality- staying dedicated to regular exercise is something which is not everyone’s cup of tea. As a personal trainer, you will be definitely finding a bit challenging to keep the spirits of your clients all the time.  Yes, there are so many things in their lives that can take a toll on… Continue reading How to Encourage Your Client to Enjoy Their Workout Sessions?

7 Mistakes to Avoid While Making the Most of Your Treadmill Sweat Sessions

You have purchased an expensive gym membership or bought a home treadmill from one of the trusted manufacturers. It is there plonked right in front of you. You may have had few goes but hankering after more. Using a treadmill may seem deceptively easy. However, wrongly doing so can lead to injuries or a workout… Continue reading 7 Mistakes to Avoid While Making the Most of Your Treadmill Sweat Sessions

How Leukaemia Is Treated With A Lot Of Precision And Care?

As far as the treatment modules of leukaemia evolves, it depends upon the type along with the feature of the cells. The extent of the disease and whether any medications have been prescribed before is also analysed. Let us now go through the types of treatment 1. Biological Therapy Is a form of treatment where… Continue reading How Leukaemia Is Treated With A Lot Of Precision And Care?