What Happens If You Drive Through A Work Zone?

On our nation’s roads, there are thousands of construction and maintenance projects taking place each year. At these sites, there are always numerous workers as well as signage and other equipment to make drivers aware the area is a work zone. However, many people fail to take heed of these precautions. As a result, thousands… Continue reading What Happens If You Drive Through A Work Zone?

4 Common Types Of Distracted Driving You Need To Stop Now

It’s important that your focus is just on driving when we are behind the wheel of a car. Unfortunately, many of us are distracted at certain times, and this can put us in harm’s way. These are some of the most common types of distracted driving that you need to stop now. Texting It may… Continue reading 4 Common Types Of Distracted Driving You Need To Stop Now

How to Control Your Car on Icy Roads

Snow, ice and winter weather can make for treacherous driving conditions. A sudden loss of traction can be a harrowing experience, even for seasoned drivers and those who are familiar with cold weather conditions. Learning to better control your car on icy roads can make a life-saving difference. Reduce Your Speed A slower rate of… Continue reading How to Control Your Car on Icy Roads