4 Signs You Have An Eating Disorder

Many people would like to know the very first signs of an eating disorder. Unfortunately, the nature and types of eating disorders are so many and so varied that this is almost an impossible task. The signs for different eating disorders would obviously be different.

Also, the first warning signs are often quite subtle and difficult to distinguish from normal bumps in our daily eating habits. Eating disorders are also more to do with the feelings inside which lead to strange and debilitating physical choices. Still, for the one who wants to remain alert, there are a few signs that could be a red flag. Read on below to find these out:

If you suspect that you or someone you know may have an eating disorder, it’s never too early to seek help. However, you may want to notice the frequency and regularity of the suspected sign. If it’s just a one-off thing, it’s probably nothing to worry about. many of us have tried crash diets, low-carb diets, or went on an eating binge once or twice.

4 Signs You Have An Eating Disorder

However, being on the alert for eating disorders is a commendable virtue. This may help many a victim get professional help much earlier than otherwise. When it comes to eating disorders, this may even be a lifesaver.

1. Signs Of Anorexia

You may reasonably suspect a person of having anorexic symptoms if they are constantly on one strange diet after another. All of these diets would involve some sort of restriction for a major food group. They may follow these diets even if they were never overweight, to begin with.

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Anorexics also sometimes love talking about food and even making it. They could be obsessed with food as well as feed it to other people. However, they would hardly take a few bites themselves. they would also compulsively exercise after each small meal in order to burn off the calories immediately.

Yet another warning sign may be their proclaimed body hate. They may be looking in a mirror and seeing only fat where there are skin and bone. In order to lose as much weight as possible, they would even go for dangerous pills or laxatives. As a result, they are increasingly weak, with thin hair and weak nails.

2. Signs Of Bulimia

Someone you know may be a closet bulimic if they visit the bathroom after every meal. However, make sure they are really throwing up after every food intake. It may just be that they have a sensitive stomach or a high-performing digestive system.

Bulimics often tend to binge on very large amounts of food. They may or may not hide this tendency, but it is very frequent. They then try to purge the calories in a feeling of guilt and remorse. They may hence have scars on their hand from inducing vomiting, as well as sores on and in their mouths.

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3. Signs Of Binge-Eating

A binge-eater would inhale thousands of calories in just one sitting. They may seek out excuses to eat, whether it’s stress, sadness, or happiness. For instance, they may celebrate for something as simple as getting something done by an assignment service. They may also look towards eating as a way of dealing with just about every problem.

However, they would also be embarrassed to eat so much in public. You may happen upon them eating in private spaces, even bathrooms, and closets. They would hide the food wrappers and any other signs. If this happens on a regular basis, there may be cause for worry.

4. Anything That Prevents A Normal Life

The general rule of thumb for an actual disorder is to gauge whether it is affecting the individual’s ability to lead a normal life. for instance, they may not be taking in enough food to function throughout the day. they could hence be fainting all over the place. For those on the other extreme, their excessive eating habits could cause them to miss important deadlines and generally ignore their deteriorating health.

In short, anything that interferes with a healthy social, professional, emotional or spiritual development is worthy of investigation. Growing and moving forward is a part of life, and any kind of disorder actively prevents this in a victim.

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If you suspect that you or someone you know may have an eating disorder, it’s never too early to seek help. However, you may want to notice the frequency and regularity of the suspected sign. If it’s just a one-off thing, it’s probably nothing to worry about. many of us have tried crash diets, low-carb diets, or went on an eating binge once or twice.

However, being on the alert for eating disorders is a commendable virtue. This may help many a victim get professional help much earlier than otherwise. When it comes to eating disorders, this may even be a lifesaver.

Amelie J