4 Upgrades You Can Make to Your Bathroom

Having home upgrading projects is a common thing for homeowners. Bathroom upgrades are one of the major projects that adds value to your home. Besides, there is a wide variety of upgrades that you can make to your home. This article discusses several upgrades suitable for your bathroom. Let’s dive in!

Install a Window in the Shower Area

Ventilation is an essential thing in the shower area. Sometimes you might realize that your shower area is always dark, whether day or night. A bathroom should have exceptional ventilation to enhance airflow to and from the shower area. Poor ventilation enhances the growth of mold and mildew, which is not good for your health. To prevent this from happening, consider installing a natural; ventilation such as a window. This will improve the flow of air and moderate the humidity level.

Advance the Storage Space

On most occasions, most people find it hard to create enough space in the bathroom. Note that there is always enough space in the bathroom that you can use to store bathing-related items. You can secure more storage space in the bathroom by installing a recessed medicine cabinet on the top of the vanity. Consider installing the cabinet a few inches in the wall to secure more space. By making this upgrade, you will realize that the bathroom has more space than what you initially thought.

Install a 2-Inch Pipe for Draining Water

According to analysis, the best upgrade you can do for your bathroom is installing a 2-inch drainage pipe. However, the stand bathroom draining pipe is said to range between 1.25 and 1.5 inches in diameter. This diameter size is not favorable since it can easily clog, and opening it becomes expensive. Installing a draining pipe that is much bigger aids in improving the quality of the drainage system eliminating the cost of regular repair. Besides, hiring a certified plumber who understands how to do the work is an added advantage.

Upgrade the Bathroom Flooring

Flooring is an essential thing for the well-being of your bathroom. Note that the flooring also includes the walls. It is vital to install tiles that add an additional level of texture to prevent slipping, which is dangerous. Consider the application of grout to prevent the growth of mildew and molds.

When it comes to bathroom upgrades, many people do not understand the areas that need advancement. The above hacks have all your bathroom upgrades covered.