5 Of The Best Places to Go Whitewater River Rafting

If you are looking for some exciting outdoor adventures, whitewater river rafting is a great place to start. This activity can be found in many parts of the world, and it has something for everyone. Let’s go over 5 of the best places to go whitewater rafting so that you can get out there before summer ends.

The American River

The American River is a popular place to go whitewater rafting. It is located in Northern California and has some of the most beautiful scenery you will find anywhere, which makes it perfect for your next vacation. The rapids are not too extreme, but many levels can be reached depending on the level of difficulty you are looking for.

The Colorado River

The Colorado River is a classic place to go whitewater rafting. Located in the Rocky Mountains, this river has amazing scenery, and it offers many levels of difficulty for anyone who wants to enjoy their time on the water. Although two weeks may be needed to complete one trip down this river, it is worth the time.

The Snake River

The Snake River is a great place to go whitewater rafting. This river runs through the Grand Canyon, and it offers many levels of difficulty for anyone who wants to enjoy their time on this water. It also has some amazing scenery, which makes it an excellent destination when you want to get outdoors.

The Tully River

The Tully River is located in New Zealand, and it offers gorgeous scenery. If you want to go whitewater rafting, this is one of the best places on Earth that you could visit. It has a wide variety of levels for people looking to enjoy their time on the water, and it is guaranteed to be a lot of fun.

The Fure

The Fure is the perfect place to go whitewater rafting if you look for something a little more extreme. Located in Norway, this river offers some of the best landscapes, and the most challenging rapids available anywhere on Earth. It might be not comfortable, but it is well worth your time because once you have finished, you can say that you have tried some of the hardest whitewater rafting in the world.

For some people, the outdoors is a great place to be. This may include hiking through different trails, or it could mean going on an exciting whitewater rafting trip that grants something for everyone. If you want to go whitewater rafting this summer, we recommend that you try one of these five locations because they all offer a good experience for anyone involved.