5 Tips to Help You Efficiently Clean Your Air Conditioning Unit

Your air conditioning unit keeps your home cool and comfortable on hot days. Regularly cleaning your AC unit is pivotal to ensuring it keeps your home cool and functions properly. If there’s a significant temperature difference across the rooms in your home, then your AC unit probably requires cleaning. Use these five tips to clean your AC unit for better performance.

Turn Off the Power

Before you begin air conditioning maintenance, ensure you turn off your system. Performing maintenance while your air conditioning is running can prove harmful, and it can also damage your system. Find your air conditioner’s breaker switch and turn it off to stop it from running.

Replace Filters

Your AC unit comes fitted with air filters that capture pollutants like dirt, dust, pet dander, and other debris. Over time, filters can get dirty or clogged. Dirty filters can reduce indoor air quality and force your air conditioning system to work harder. Change your filters at least once every month to prevent these issues and keep your AC unit in tip-top shape.

Clear Away Debris

Any debris that obstructs your air conditioning unit can reduce its efficiency. Clear any bushes, twigs, shrubs, grass, and weeds growing around the unit to promote free airflow.

Inspect the Drain Line

Your AC’s drain line prevents moisture from accumulating inside your air conditioner. When moisture accumulates, it can lead to the growth of mold, mildew, and algae. If there’s a moldy smell coming from your AC vents, check the drain line. If mold, mildew, or algae has clogged the drain line, flush it with vinegar to clean it. Repeat this process at least once every three months. Avoid using bleach as a substitute for vinegar because it can damage your system.

Inspect the Refrigerant Lines

Refrigerant lines are tubes that transport the refrigerant between the condenser and the evaporator inside your home. Over time, the insulation on refrigerant lines can become worn out. If the insulation on your refrigerant lines appears worn, replace it when you are cleaning your AC unit to restore your unit’s efficiency.

Final Word

If a DIY clean doesn’t result in your AC unit working properly, consider calling in a professional to help you clean your unit. Besides cleaning your unit, a professional will also:

  • Inspect and tighten loose electrical connections
  • Grease moving parts
  • Check coolant levels

Scheduling preventive air conditioning maintenance at least twice every year will extend the lifespan of your AC unit and ensure it works properly.