A Few One-Billion-Dollar Questions To Ask When Selecting Your Security Door

As the name implies, your security door is not just a door, but one that you have considered worth the while for security and safety. You ain’t going for it because you just want to have a door installed in your home- your goal is maximum protection for your home. Hence, that begs several critical questions which armed with their answers, you are on the right track to selecting the best fit your home protection and security. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty- here are the great FAQs for success when selecting your door:

Who will make my door?

This question which is usually posed by most individuals and entities when selecting their door, is critical to success. Be Careful who you choose to make your door. All security door makers are door makers, but not all door makers are security door makers. A little homework will do in figuring out who your maker is.

Choose a reliable and reputable company. Some company’s security doors are made of cheap, low quality, used and recycled bushit from damaged doors. Buying from these guys means that after a short space of time your door will kaput and will find yourself spending your hard earned cash on either maintenance or fresh installation. There are quite a handful of things to be on the lookout for while choosing your door maker. Your homework should beg questions like:

  • How long has the company been operating?
  • What is the company’s location and how long has it been operating there?
  • Has the company operated under a different name before?
  • Is the company licensed by the government to operate in the niche?
  • Who the company’s customers?
  • Has the company won any customer satisfaction and good-quality product manufacturing awards?

Having got the answer to the questions above, check the company’s track records and read some views about them to put your fingers on a lot of facts about the company. The review will really help because no buyer would want other buyers to patronize a company if they have been defrauded by the company.

In the event of maintenance, who will get it done?

From looking a company to when the hurly burly of maintenance is done, the workload is better imagined than experienced. That said, choose a company that will do installation as well as post installation jobs. Among all other things, time is critical. Your company should there for you whenever you need them.

Is it necessary to ask for warranty details?

Yes! Of course, it is imperative to as for your warranty details when buying your door. Read it very carefully for clear understanding of the terms. Depending on the warranty terms stated in the small warranty quick guide, you may get replacement or repair for malfunctioned parts free of charge, especially if the malfunctioning happened within the warranty period.

How much time will it take install my door?

This is a very important question to ask the company you have selected when paying or better still before paying the door. You don’t want to wait a month before having your door installed, right- it starts with the above question.

The time it will take to build and install it depends on the type of door you have selected and the method of installation. Real steel doors take a lot more time to build compared to aluminium doors. For the installation part, your door can be installed using either flush mounting or frame mounting. You want security in deed, as for your door to be installed using the steel frame mounted method. It is by far more secure than flush mounted installation. However, frame mounting takes more time. You may also need to a bit higher sum for that.