Do You Need an Electric Conduit for Your DIY Project?

Making changes to your home’s electrical system can add functionality and beauty to your home. Anytime you’re performing electrical work, though, it’s important to take the time to do it correctly. One important part of many electrical projects is running the electrical wires through a conduit. To determine if your project needs a conduit, here are a few applications that require this important piece of hardware.

Underground Applications

Anytime you’re planning to run an electrical wire under the ground, you need to use a conduit. If you don’t, you will expose the insulation on the wire to the elements. Over time, the insulation will wear away and expose the bare wire. This can lead to shorts and other electrical problems. When burying a wire, it’s important to have the ground surveyed to identify the location of other utilities before you begin work.

Outdoor Applications

Similar to underground applications, it’s important to use a conduit for outdoor applications to prevent moisture exposure. Another problem with an exposed outdoor wire is that animals can scratch or bite the wire and cause major problems. To help make your outdoor electrical installation easier, you can choose from a variety of electric benders for rigid conduit. These benders make it easier to route the conduit around corners without needing extra junction boxes.

High-Stress Applications

If you’re installing a wire in a location where it will be under stress, you need to use a conduit. Long-term stress on a wire can cause the insulation to crack and fray, putting you at risk of electrocution. When using a conduit, make sure the wire has a smooth transition into and out of the conduit so that the wire doesn’t snag on any sharp edges.

Reducing Interference

Another use for a conduit is to prevent interference in home audio applications. When an audio cable is exposed, it has a chance to pick up interference from nearby electrical wires. The metal in an electric conduit, though, will greatly reduce or entirely eliminate this interference. This will ensure that you can enjoy high-quality audio without having to deal with any buzzing or humming.

Fishing Wire

After you install the conduit, it’s important that you have a way to pull the wire through the conduit. A fish tape is a great tool for this job. Strong, yet flexible, you can push a fish tape through the conduit, attach it to the electrical wire, and then pull the tape and the wire back through the conduit and out the other side. This helps reduce stress on the wire and makes your job faster and less frustrating.