Got A Septic Tank? How to Manage It and Keep It Clear Of Blockages

Septic tanks are an important part of many homes, but they can be difficult to manage. If you have a septic tank, it’s important to know how to manage it and keep it clear of blockages. A septic tank is a great way to dispose of wastewater, but if it’s not maintained properly, it can cause all sorts of problems. This article will discuss keeping your septic tank functioning properly and avoiding costly blockages.

Properly Dispose of Waste

One of the most important things you can do to keep your septic tank functioning properly is to dispose of waste. You should never flush anything other than human waste and toilet paper down your toilets. Any other type of waste, including feminine products, diapers, paper towels, and wipes, should be disposed of in the trash.

It’s also important to avoid putting grease or oil down your drains. These substances can clog up your septic tank and cause problems.

Schedule Regular Pumping and Maintenance

Another important thing you can do to keep your septic tank functioning properly is schedule regular pumping and septic tank maintenance. Your septic tank should be pumped every three to five years, depending on the size of the tank and the number of people in your household.

You should also have your septic tank inspected every three to five years. During an inspection, a professional will check for any potential problems and ensure that your septic tank is functioning properly.

Use Water Efficiently

Another way to keep your septic tank functioning properly is to use water efficiently. You can do this by fixing any leaks in your home and not over-watering your lawn.

The more water a household uses, the lesser it will take to fill up the septic tank. If a septic tank is filled too frequently, it will need to be pumped more often, which can be costly.

Maintain Your Drain Field

Your drain field is an important part of your septic system, and it needs to be maintained properly. You should never drive or park on your drain field, as this can compact the soil and damage the drainage system. You should also avoid planting trees or shrubs near your drain field, as their roots can grow into the drains and cause blockages.

In summary, properly installed, operated, and maintained septic systems can be an effective and safe on-site sewage disposal method. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your septic tank functions properly and avoid any costly blockages.