Hair Growth Vitamins to Include In Your Diet

Indulging in a well-balanced diet with all the 13 essential vitamins can stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Certain vitamin deficiencies can lead to brittle, thin hair that lacks shine and luster. Including a generous amount of all vitamins in your diet may help keep hair healthy. 

Along with a healthy diet maintaining a good scalp is also an important step to add. In this blog, you will find all the essential vitamins and supplements that promote hair growth. 

Vitamin D 

In a 2019 review, results showed a link between vitamin D deficiency and alopecia areata. Many of the studies included in the review stated that people suffering from alopecia areata have lower levels of vitamin D. Alopecia areata is an auto-immune condition that involves severe hair loss. 

Some other studies have even concluded that women with vitamin D deficiency can lead to female pattern hair loss; this is the most common type of hair loss. 

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, an adult must consume 50 mcg or 600 IU of vitamin D every day. However, many dieticians find this recommendation too low to get optimal blood levels. You can easily learn whether you are vitamin D deficient or not by asking your doctor for a blood test. 

There are many natural food sources to get vitamin D., But the below-mentioned sources are among the best food items. 

  • Salmon or swordfish 
  • Egg yolks
  • Fortified milk
  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified health beverages

Exposure to the sun is also crucial. This enables our body to generate vitamin D. However, make sure to apply sun protection as too much direct sunlight can cause severe skin irritation.

Vitamin B7

Low levels of biotin lead to severe hair loss. A study held in 2016 focusing on 541 females found lower levels of vitamin B7 in 38% of the participants who were experiencing severe hair loss. 

Some research has also shown that supplemental vitamin B7 can stimulate hair growth in people deficient in B7. However, more research is needed to conclude whether biotin supplements help hair growth for people with healthy B7 levels. 

Biotin is essentially a water-soluble vitamin that assists the growth of hair, nails, and skin by helping to break down fats and carbohydrates. You can expect hair growth, but increasing hair thickness is not an option. However, it is cheaper than other vitamins, so making it a starting point is a good choice.

Vitamin B12

Some references suggest that vitamin B12 might play a role in hair health. A deficiency in B12 is believed to instigate hair loss. Many beauty influences also swear by vitamin B12 supplements for enhanced hair growth and better overall health. 

Nevertheless, consuming enough vitamin B12 improves body functioning. Natural sources of vitamin B12 include meat, dairy products, and animal foods. If you are a vegan, you can opt for B12 supplements from any nearby vitamin store.

Some common symptoms of vitamin B12 are fatigue and anemia. The Office of Disease prevention and health promotion recommends 2.4 mcg of Vitamin B12 every day. Expecting mothers require 2.6 mcg while breastfeeding women need 2.8 mcg per day. 

If you are trying on new supplements, ensure that you consult your doctor to prevent probable side effects.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can reverse the damage caused due to free radicals. You may find vitamin E in many beauty products and DIY. Beauty influencers have made this vitamin a popular choice for hair growth.

Applying vitamin E oil on the scalp or supplementing with it can stimulate hair growth. In a study, people suffering from hair loss experienced 34.5% growth after vitamin E supplementation for 8 months. Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, avocados, almonds, and spinach. 


The hair structure is made up of protein, so consuming enough is vital for hair growth. Some studies conducted with animals show that protein deficiency might hamper hair and cause hair fall. However, protein deficiency is more likely seen in vegan people. 


Iron helps RBC to carry oxygen to body cells. This makes it a very crucial mineral for healthy body and hair growth. Women are more likely deficient in iron, which leads to anemia. Anemia is a significant cause of hair loss in women. Dieticians suggest food sources high in iron like clams, red meat, spinach, oyster, and eggs to include in your everyday diet. Also, iron supplements can help overcome the deficiency sooner.


Zinc is essential for hair tissue repair and development. It also helps to retain natural hair oils in the follicle to make hair stronger and shinier. And hair loss is a prevalent consequence of zinc deficiency. Some studies even show zinc supplementation reduces hair loss due to zinc deficiency. However, taking higher dosage are also linked to severe hair fall. So, it is better to fulfill zinc requirements via natural food sources like beef, lentils, spinach, pumpkin seeds, and wheat germ.

Vitamin A 

Every cell needs vitamin A to develop. This also includes the hair. Vitamin A helps the skin gland secrete an oily substance called sebum. Sebum keeps hair healthy by moisturizing the scalp. The deficiency of vitamin A might lead to several complex issues, including hair fall. Kale, carrots, pumpkin, and spinach are good beta-carotene sources that eventually transform into vitamin A.

Vitamin C 

Free radical damage impedes hair growth and makes hair dull and dry. Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant that helps protect against oxidative stress caused due to free radicals. Plus, your body needs vitamin C to develop a protein called collagen- an integral part of the hair. It also helps your body to absorb iron, which is an essential mineral for hair growth. Some natural sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, guavas, strawberries, and peppers.

Is Including Hair Supplements Safe? 

Of course, natural food sources are the best way to fulfill vitamin requirements. But to overcome a deficiency quickly, only supplements can help. Plus, food sources offer minimal amounts of these vitamins, so incorporating accessories with diet is safe. To get your desired supplement, check any nearby vitamin supplement store.