How Optometrists and Dentists Can Keep Their Offices Coronavirus-Proof

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused patients to switch their in-person appointments to phone calls or video chats. If you are an optometrist or a dentist, you may need to see a patient in your office. Here are several ways to keep your office safe from the Coronavirus.

Encourage Social Distancing

There are many clinics that encourage social distancing even if they are remaining open during the pandemic. You may need to remove or tape off chairs to keep patients from sitting too close together in the waiting room. If you need to get closer than 6 feet to your patient, you need to take additional precautions to create a safe office.

Limit People in the Office

Another way to encourage social distancing is to limit the number of people in your office. You may need to schedule shorter shifts and fewer appointments during work hours, and it never hurts to use Telehealth when possible. It is easier to stay 6 feet apart when there are not as many people in the office as usual.

Require Face Masks

Whether you are an eye doctor or a dentist, you need to wear a face mask while inside your office. Your patients and staff are going to be required to wear a face mask as well. A face mask keeps your mouth and nose covered to prevent bacteria from spreading through droplets. Wearing a face mask is essential to protecting those around you during the pandemic.

Stay Clean and Healthy

Follow the steps of other clinics by providing hand sanitizer to your patients and staff members. You can place a large container of sanitizer on the front desk for easy access. It is also advised for everyone to wash their hands from wrists to fingertips for at least 20 seconds. Do not be afraid to post reminders to stay clean and healthy throughout your office.

Deep Clean Regularly

If you work in a vision or dental clinic, you want to be sure to deep clean the office on a regular basis. You are most likely going to be cleaning your office daily to keep the bacteria at bay. It never hurts to clean the entire office, but you want to focus on the high-traffic areas. You need to ensure all medical equipment is properly cleaned every night as well.

A pandemic can be a scary experience, especially in a vision or dental clinic. If everyone does their part to remain clean and healthy, then it is possible to keep your office safe from the Coronavirus.