How to Get Back On Track Fast When Your Construction Site Floods

A flood can make a construction site completely unworkable for days. Your timeline can be permanently delayed, resulting in the crew being paid just to arrive and rented machinery having to be returned before the project’s done. Rather than risking your safety, money, or time, keep these tips in mind to get your construction site back on track quickly after a flood.

Be Informed and Prepared

The best way to minimize damages and lost time is to know how the site could be affected by a flood and prepare ahead of time. Know if there are any water sources nearby and the history of flooding in the area. Even if there is no history of flooding, you should still have a plan in case a flood was to happen. After establishing a thorough understanding of the area, draft a plan that addresses how to protect the crew, hazardous materials, and expensive machinery. This will minimize potential injuries and money lost.

Ensure the Crew Is Properly Trained

Your crew should know what to do in case of flooding. Keep them informed of all safety plans and ensure they know how to protect themselves and expensive tools. Preparation, practice, and training will limit panic in the crew and encourage calm judgments and actions. There should be a clear chain of command and a designated safety area to retreat to when necessary.

Utilize Dewatering Pumps

After you’ve minimized damage and supplies lost with some thorough planning, you can safely remove the water with dewatering pumps. All forms of flood can be removed safely, letting the crew back onto the site to continue their work. Dewatering pumps are the most efficient form of clearing flood sites, saving crew from interacting with potentially contaminated water or making the situation worse with other ineffective draining methods.

Follow All Safety Procedures

Thoroughly inspect all tools after a flood, especially those that use gas or electricity. Check all containers to ensure they haven’t been damaged and aren’t currently leaking toxic materials or fluids. Floodwaters are often contaminated, and once drained, they will leave behind dangerous residues and contaminants. Complete a thorough cleaning before continuing work on the site.

Don’t worry about a potential flood ruining your construction site for several valuable workdays. You can keep your crew and machinery safe and functioning by preparing a plan, being informed of safety measures, and using the right tools to remove the water.