How to Get Ready For Your First Backcountry Hunting Trip

A hunting trip is a great way to get out into nature and enjoy the chase. If this is your first time taking a backcountry hunting trip, you likely have a lot of questions on your mind. We’re going to share with you four good tips for getting ready to ensure that you set yourself up for having your first successful backcountry hunting trip.

Get Your Gear Packed Up

A successful backcountry hunting trip all starts with getting your gear packed up. Depending on how long your trip will be, you may need to pack for multiple weather environments or just one. It’s always a good idea to have a pair of quality boots, a backpack to store your main gear, a skinning knife, game bags, game calls, and clothing fit for the environment that you’re going to be hunting in.

Pick a Gun to Match Your Prey

Next up, you need to prepare by picking out the right gun for the game that you’re hunting. There are all different types of weapons out there. When it comes to backcountry hunting, there are two main kinds. These are shotguns and hunting rifles. If you’re not sure what sort of caliber or type of gun you should be bringing, it’s a good idea to talk with your guide to see what they recommend.

Consider Your Food and Drink Needs

When you’re doing some backcountry hunting, it can take a toll on your body. Hunting in a cold environment can cause your body to burn more calories than normal. Hiking up into a higher elevation can require a lot of excess energy. It’s always advisable to have food and beverages packed and ready to go in your bag. Consider non-cook items like jerky, granola bars, dried fruit, and trail mix. For drinking, a couple of bottles of water will keep you hydrated.

Get Your License Ready

The last thing that you’ll want to prepare is your hunting license. You’ll need to have a valid hunting license to take any prey. You should read the regulations to determine if you need to display your hunting license or not. Some states require you to. Others simply don’t. It’s important to know what the state that you’re going to be hunting in requires.

Getting ready for your first backcountry hunting trip can be exciting. The thought of going out into the country and taking down the prey of your choice is intriguing for most people. By using the tips that we shared above, you’ll be well on your way to having your first successful backcountry hunting trip.