How to Prove Negligence When It You’re Involved In A Car Accident

With an estimated six million car accidents each year in the US,  there is a high chance that you or someone you care about will be involved in one. Whether a minor collision or a major wreck, any damages, injuries, or losses you experience should be paid by a negligent driver. Here is what you will need to do to prove the other driver was at fault.

Get a Police Report

Call the local police force to report the traffic accident. Their department will send an officer to assess the situation and write a police report. That report will likely be filed and available either online or for pickup within a few days’ time. Obtain a copy and review it to see whether the other driver is implicated as the person who caused the accident. The police officer may take photos at the scene of the accident that will become part of the report, and you can also use your smartphone to take pictures of the car’s damage, road conditions, and location of the vehicles.

Collect Witness Statements

Ask passengers who were in your car to write a witness statement that describes the accident from their point of view. Have them include the date, time, and specific details pertaining to the incident. You can also ask witnesses who were standing nearby or passers-by if they are willing to write a brief account of the collision from their perspective. If they want to keep a copy, take a picture of these statements with your phone for possible future use.

Get a Mechanic’s Description of Vehicle Damage

If your car needs repairs, talk to the mechanic who will be working on the vehicle about preparing a detailed description of the problems that will be fixed. These could include structural damage to the car as well as internal problems pertaining to the engine or cabin area. A descriptive evaluation of the car’s condition and what it will take to fully repair it can provide objective evidence.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney

Get in touch with an automobile accident lawyer, such as those at The Radmore Law Firm, for guidance. The lawyer will want to know the facts related to the car crash as well as discuss any evidence you have collected so far. You can also find out about statutes of limitation and filing a legal claim for compensation regarding your losses from the accident.

Any car accident is traumatic. Another driver whose negligence is responsible for the damage to your vehicle should be held responsible. Take these steps to help you prove negligence.

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