Non-Slip Flooring Options That Help Improve Employee Safety at Your Facility

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, slip-and-fall accidents are the most common cause of workers’ compensation claims. These accidents can be caused by any of a number of factors, including wet or damaged flooring. Sometimes it is not the condition of flooring that is the problem but the type. You can use certain types of flooring in your company’s facilities to help decrease workplace slip-and-fall accidents.

Brick and Tile

Brick and tile are two flooring options that one might expect to be more slippery, but they can actually make excellent non-slip floors. Brick has a gritty texture, even when wet, so it helps prevent falls. While tile may be naturally smoother, many manufacturers specifically make them with more texture to prevent slipping. Both of these materials are also very durable, so employees are less likely to trip because of damaged flooring. You can contact a company like Archway Brick and Tile to talk about non-slip options.

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin flooring is commonly used on concrete floors, though it can be used on other flooring types too. The resin hardens make a smooth and shiny surface that is both attractive and resistant to damage. Despite the smooth surface, the materials used help prevent slipping. The epoxy lasts several years, depending on traffic and care, and it’s easy to clean and maintain. It’s often used in industrial or retail facilities where there is a lot of traffic. 


Rubber floors are often used in schools, gyms, and hospitals. Because they’re so shock absorbent, they’re excellent for facilities where falls are likely. When the rubber is textured, it can also help prevent slipping and falls. It’s also very durable. Rubber floors are also versatile. They can be installed as either tiles or rolls, and they come in a variety of patterns, colors, and textures. It’s easy to customize, so you can choose a flooring style that works perfectly for your facility.

As a responsible business owner or manager, you want to do all you can to guarantee the safety of your employees. Protecting them from-slip and fall accidents is an important part of this. It also helps protect your business from lawsuits and workers’ compensation claims, both of which can be very expensive. You have many options when it comes to non-slip flooring options. Brick and tile, epoxy resin, and rubber floors are all good options depending on your specific needs, but you can also explore other flooring options to find what works best for you.