Noticing Problems With Your Water Drain? 4 Potential Causes

It can be frustrating for anyone to have to deal with annoying plumbing problems. One of the most common plumbing problems people encounter is a clogged drain. A sink, tub or other fixture that won’t drain properly is certainly a problem. Thankfully, you can probably troubleshoot the source of the problem on your own. Below are four potential causes you should investigate.


It may seem illogical that soap, something made to clean away dirt and grime, could actually lead to your drain getting clogged. While it may be true that this is unlikely to happen with certain kinds of soap, other varieties can actually lead to drain clogs over time. Usually, it is soap bars that cause drain clogs due to the fact they contain a good deal of fat and grease. This can combine with the minerals in water to create soap scum. This soap scum can clog a drain if it builds up over time.


Hair is another common cause of clogged drains. The reason why hair is such a big threat to your drains is because it has the natural ability to bind to other substances such as grease, grime and other yucky gunk may go down the drain. To prevent these kinds of clogs, install drain guards on all your sinks.


Minerals that can be found in water are also another common source of drain clogs. This is especially the case if you have hard water. The minerals in hard water are likely to begin forming masses of sediments inside pipes and plumbing fixtures that are completely insoluble. The solution to this problem is to install a water softener system that prevents hard water. However, if you already have mineral based clogs, you should probably call a plumber to have a professional drain cleaning performed. Mineral based clogs may be too difficult to remove on your own.


Something that should never go down a drain in your home is food waste. This is even the case for the kitchen sink. It’s also the case if you have garbage disposal. Serious clogs could still form from those leftover food particles. Instead, collect food waste and add it to a compost pile in your backyard. It’s an easy solution that can help you with your gardening.

Drain clogs are certainly annoying. However, most drain clogs in homes have common sources like the four listed above. If you prevent these issues from developing clogs in your drains, you’ll be saved from a lot of frustration. Overall, be very careful about exactly what goes down your drains.