Run a Healthcare Clinic? How to Ensure Data Records Security

Healthcare clinics are targeted by cybercriminals every single day, and many of those individuals are looking for patient records that can be sold to the highest bidder. That is just one of the many reasons why you should have a solid plan in place to ensure that your clinic’s data remains safe and secure.

Comprehensive Staff Training

When it comes to keeping your data secure, employee training is one of the most important steps that you can take. No matter what type of security software you have, a breach could happen at any time if your employees are careless. At the very least, your digital security training program should include information such as developing strong passwords, the proper transfer of records, and what types of actions can be carried out on company devices.

In-House Security Team

For a larger healthcare clinic, working with an in-house security team can be a good option. If your company is smaller and doesn’t require a full IT team, then you should consider working with an outside company that offers security services. That team will be able to train your employees, set up effective security software, and keep an eye on your system for any signs of a breach.

Robust Security Software

Using CDI software is another important step in this process, and those programs are specifically designed to prevent data loss in a healthcare environment. That type of software can be customized to fit your exact needs, and it will help you secure data in inpatient and outpatient settings. Many of them also have useful dashboards that can provide you with real-time analytics on the performance of your system.

Immediately Implement Software Updates

Many business owners don’t realize just how important it is to keep all of their software and hardware up-to-date at all times. Quite a few cyberattacks occur when a developer pushes out a new security update and a business fails to implement it right away. Luckily, keeping your software updated is a relatively easy process, and you should be able to schedule those updates around peak hours so that they don’t impact your workflow.

These few tips will greatly reduce your risk of a data breach, but there is no such thing as a completely impervious system. That is why you should work with a security specialist who can help you come up with a step-by-step plan in the event of a breach.