What to Expect When You Have A Silicone Roof Coating Installed On Your Commercial Building

Silicone roof coatings are a popular solution for commercial buildings. They stop leaks and also reflect heat and provide superior UV protection. Silicone forms a permanent, seamless membrane over nearly every type of roof substrate, including bitumen, metal, wood, concrete, and mineral-cap sheet. Silicone resists degradation better than an acrylic roof coating and also resists mold, mildew, and stains. When you’re choosing a roofing material for your business’s building, take a look at the pros and cons of a silicone roof coating.

Advantages of Silicone Roof Coatings

Quick Application

Silicone roof coatings have a high solids content, meaning it will likely only take one application to coat the roof. That can save you both time and money.

Water Resistant

Once the application is complete and the silicone coating is dry, your problem with roof leaks will be gone. This is especially true if you have spots on the roof where water pools up. While an acrylic roof coating can begin to peel when under water for a prolonged time, silicone will endure. Silicone roof coatings are one of the best choices for roofs that tend to pool water.

Energy Efficient

You can also expect lower electrical bills after installation. Silicone reflects the sun’s harmful UV rays, significantly reducing heat gain. Moreover, silicone coatings are highly resistant to the damaging effects of the sun and will hold up much longer than other types of roof coatings.

Environmentally Friendly

Silicone coatings are environmentally friendly. Most are free of solvents and are very low in volatile organic compounds. Also, most silicone roof coatings meet or exceed material safety standards in all 50 states. Not only is the roof coating safe for the outdoor environment, but it also will not off-gas toxic fumes to the interior of your building.

Disadvantages of Silicone Roof Coatings


The biggest disadvantage to silicone is that it attracts dust and dirt. As dust adheres to the coating, it will lose its reflectivity. As that happens, your roof will also lose its ability to reflect the sun’s heat. A silicone-coated roof will require regular washing to keep it clean.


Unfortunately, the second biggest disadvantage to silicone is that it gets very slippery when wet. So, washing the roof can be dangerous.

To solve that problem, slip-resistant walkways can be applied to the roof. These walkways can be made from brightly colored EPDM granules embedded into the silicone or from colored copolymer liquid rubber. While that solves the issue of slipping, it also adds to the cost.

If you’re not sure what to choose for your building, talk to a commercial roof coating company, like Everest Systems. They can take a look at your building and outline what concerns most need to be addressed so that you can choose the right coating.

Coating your existing roof with silicone can be much more cost-effective than replacing the roof. While silicone might be more expensive than an acrylic roof coating, it will last longer and provide superior protection against pooling water.