What You Need To Know If You Want To Start Your Own Crossfit Gym

If you love working out and want to help others gain the bodies of their dreams, then opening up a Crossfit gym may be right up your alley. While this endeavor may seem simple on the surface, that’s not the case. There are some specific details you need to understand about opening up your own Crossfit gym.

You Must Be Certified To Open A Box

If you’re considering opening a Crossfit gym, you should know that they’re called a box. You’ll need to receive a certification to open a gym with the name Crossfit in the title. This includes attending weekend seminars and paying registration fees. In addition, you’ll owe the Crossfit brand annual licensing fees of around $3,000. This affiliation can be a great way to get clients through your door but it will cost you.

You’ll Need To Register As A Business Entity

Before you can open your own gym, you’ll need to register as a business entity. First, this means picking out the name you want for your Crossfit gym and ensuring that no one else has it. Then you’ll need to head online to register with your state. Youll be expected to pay registration fees. You’ll also need to know how you want to set up your entity. Some examples include an LLC and a corporation.

Equipment Isn’t Cheap

Strength training equipment is likely going to be your biggest investment as a Crossfit gym owner. There are just some basic machines that every gym needs to have to attract people. These include a rower, glute hamstring developer, air bikes, and treadmills. On the non-machine end of the equipment, the list gets even longer. You’ll need lots of weights, barbells, collars, chalk, power racks, plyo boxes, ab mats, ropes, wall balls, rings, and kettlebells.

Getting Financial Backers Is Important

You may have priced out the cost of equipment, rent, and utilities for your new gym. However, that’s not where the spending stops. Depending on your local area, there are specific setup fees you’ll need to pay and safety features that will need to be installed before you can open. Things like handicap ramps and safety lighting can easily double the amount of money you think that you’ll be spending. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have some financial backers in on the opening. This way, you won’t get hindered behind any unexpected expenses that could stop your progress.

Opening your own Crossfit gym can be a reality. That is if you understand the basic information that we shared with you above. You’ll find that you’ll be better prepared to face the challenges of starting your new business.