3 Simple Tips to Keeping Your AC Unit Running Smoothly This Summer

You need your air conditioner to survive the hot summer days. It is important for you to make sure that your air conditioner is in tip-top shape so that it can handle the demands that are being put on it. By getting regular maintenance, changing your filter, and adjusting accordingly, you can help ensure that your AC unit keeps running smoothly. With several places in the US reporting record heat this summer, it’s even more important than ever to keep your AC unit running well. There are several things that you can do to keep your air conditioner running smoothly.

Get Regular Maintenance

There are several reasons you need to schedule AC maintenance. Your unit will be less likely to need air conditioning repair if it has regular maintenance. It is estimated that half of the air conditioner failures are due to a lack of maintenance. Professional maintenance will also help your home stay comfortable. Additionally, professional AC maintenance can help you save money and make your energy bill lower. By getting someone to do smaller repairs and maintenance as it arises, you can save yourself a lot of money in the long run by avoiding larger, more costly repairs. 

Your HVAC professional will inspect every part of your unit in order to ensure that it is working properly. They will also perform a tune-up. A tune-up will increase the efficiency of your unit. This can also be really helpful if you notice that your AC unit has not been working properly recently. Having a professional check your unit regularly also lets you know when it is time to replace your unit entirely, something you will eventually have to do if you live in a place long enough.

Change Your Air Conditioner Filter

You can hire a professional to do AC maintenance, but there is some maintenance that you will be responsible for handling on your own. You will have to change your air filter regularly. Most air filters will need to be changed once a month. However, this will depend on your unit. Consult with the owner’s manual before changing your air filter. Changing the air filter helps maximize airflow. It also makes it easier for the air conditioner to do its job. This is one of those repairs that you can learn to do yourself if you feel comfortable. However, you don’t want to do it without any preparation. 

If you want, you can hire a professional to help replace the filter the first time and then show you how to do it yourself. This will help not only because you are sure to get it done right, but you will also be learning more about your AC unit. This will, in turn, help you stay on top of your system, as you will understand better when there is a major problem or just a need for routine maintenance. This kind of understanding of your system can be really helpful when it comes to repairs and other maintenance, as you will be in charge of your unit better.

Don’t Touch the Thermostat

Many people think that turning down the thermostat will help them cool their home faster. However, turning down the thermostat actually won’t help your air conditioner cool your house more quickly if there is something wrong with your system. If there is a lot of buildups or some sort of clog, your thermostat will try to cool your house but not be able to. Because of this, if you notice your home isn’t getting cooler when you change the thermostat, you want to get your home inspected right away to ensure no long-term problems occur.

The best thing that you can do to avoid the temptation to adjust the thermostat is to use a programmable one. You can have the thermostat set to where the temperature automatically adjusts at certain times. This will also help you save money and be more energy-efficient. Having a thermostat that automatically adjusts at certain times of the day helps you have the peace of mind that you will be comfortable and your energy bills won’t break the bank.

If your air conditioner is working properly, then it will cool your home all summer long. That is why it needs to get regular maintenance. You will also need to do your part by changing the air filter on a regular basis. Furthermore, you want to use a programmable thermostat so that you can avoid having to adjust the temperature. All of these things combined will help you stay cool in one of the hottest summers in recent memory. By staying smart and working with a professional, you can help ensure that you save money and also get the best experience from your AC unit this summer and for many summers to come.