Ways Your Community Can Improve Your Local Parks and Playgrounds

If there is one part of your community that means quite a bit to folks of all ages, it is the local park and playground. A great spot to relax on a weekend, during a lunch break, or any other time, parks and playgrounds are often a deciding factor when it comes to attracting new residents and even businesses. Should your community parks and playgrounds need some TLC, here are a few ways they can be improved.

Add Walking Trails

At your community park, consider adding some walking trails that will be accessible to people of all ages. Also, make sure they are easily accessible to folks in wheelchairs or who have other physical limitations. By adding these trails, you can emphasize the natural beauty of your community park, while at the same time allowing visitors to get some exercise and relaxation.

Make it Pet-Friendly

As more parks and playgrounds have been founded in recent years, creating a pet-friendly environment is a great way to attract more and more visitors. In most cases, this means creating a dog park. By installing chain link fencing in a certain area and also including such things as walk ramps, jumping hoops, and even an agility course, you and your furry friend can have plenty of fun together.

Create One-of-a-Kind Trash and Recycling Cans

If you or others in your community are artists, put your skills to work creating beautiful one-of-a-kind trash and recycling cans. In doing so, you not only give people an easy way to dispose of their trash and help the environment, but also add even more beauty to your park or playground. Since parents and kids always have stuff to dispose of while at play, having these cans available will be helpful to everyone.

Free Library and Food Pantry

A great way to help out others in your community who may be less fortunate than you and your family, having a free library and food pantry at your community park or playground is an excellent idea that has become more common in many areas of the nation. Relying on the “take and share” concept, you and others can add books, canned goods, and other items that will let everyone in your community know they live in a town or city that cares about its residents.

No matter which of these improvement ideas you select, those who frequent your community’s park or playground will be delighted at what they see.