How Families Can Keep Their Plumbing In Good Order

Everyone will experience problems with their plumbing at some point. Plumbing issues are not only inconvenient, but the waste that comes up can also become a health hazard. Your water system affects all water appliances in your house or building. Did you know you can maintain your home’s plumbing system, even if you’re not a professional? Here are some tips to keep your plumbing in tip-top shape.

How Families Can Keep Their Plumbing In Good Order

Avoid Harsh Chemicals.

As soon as your sink or shower begins backing up, the first thing you reach for is a commercial brand cleansing agent, like Robs Septic Tanks Inc. If possible, you should refrain from using cleansers. Their harsh ingredients will fill your septic tank with toxins that can either clog your pipes or cause them to overflow. Natural solutions like vinegar and baking soda are effective ways to clear your backed-up pipes. You can also use your plunger to pull up the hair and soap responsible for the blockage.

Keep Your Water Pressure Neutral.

Oftentimes, our water pressure is at one of two extremes: too high or too low. Low pressure means shorter showers and high pressure means long, hot showers. However, do your best to refrain from making your water pressure too high. To make your water pressure stronger, turn valves clockwise. Air can get trapped in pipes, and it will cause fluctuation and sputtering when water is moving through the pipes. Air can enter pipes from leaks and damage. Higher water pressure puts a constant strain on your pipes, causing leaks and damage. Experts recommend installing a pressure valve in order to keep pressure between 40 and 80 psi. 

Get an Annual Inspection.

Preventative care is the best way to save time and resources. Something as simple as getting an annual plumbing inspection can keep you informed on existing issues and some you may have in the future. If you catch it in time, a professional can easily repair any damage that would later cause serious plumbing concerns. It’s important to keep an update on your plumbing and water appliances. They can also give you some simple tips to keep your plumbing working between inspections to avoid any potential problems. 

Give Your Garbage Disposal a Break.

Although your garbage disposal does break down waste, regular use of this appliance will eventually lead to plumbing issues like a blockage. Most of the food you put in your disposal can be put in the trash. Rather than pouring grease and leftover food into your garbage disposal, you can throw some of that waste into the garbage or create a compost pile. Compost breaks down minerals and can be either picked up or even be used to fertilize your garden.

Small and large plumbing problems can wreak havoc on your home and become pretty pricey. By following these preventative care methods, you can save your pipes from leakage and other forms of damage. If you’re already experiencing plumbing issues, hire a professional immediately.
