How To Check Your Home for Roof Damage After a Major Storm


After you and your family survive a major storm from Mother Nature, the first thing on your mind is checking to see if any parts of your home sustained damage. This is especially important regarding your roof, since this is one part of your home that may have been the most vulnerable to potential damage from wind and hail. However, if you think you will need to get your ladder and put yourself at risk by climbing all over your roof to assess the situation, you are wrong. To check your home for roof damage after a storm, here is what you should do right away.

Debris on Your Roof


Whenever you are checking for roof damage, you can usually do so safely by keeping both feet on the ground. If needed, you can use binoculars. First, always look for any debris that may have been blown onto your home’s roof, such as tree limbs or other objects. If you notice large limbs on your roof, chances are you may have a hole in your roof that will need to be quickly covered up and repaired.

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Loose Shingles


When looking for debris, also check to see if you notice any shingles on your roof that are loose, cracked, or even missing. These are usually easy to spot from the ground. Unfortunately, this also means your roof will be at great risk of leaking, meaning a roof replacement may be needed if damage is extensive.

Wet Ceilings


After the storm has subsided, walk through all areas of your home to see if you notice any wet ceilings. If you do, this means your roof is leaking. Never ignore this problem, since a leaky roof can lead to extensive water damage in many areas of your home. Before you know it, you are not only paying for a new roof, but also for other repairs and perhaps mold remediation if water damage persists.

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Finally, if your home has a metal roof, look to see if the metal has any visible dents, which may be evident if the storm contained hail. While looking for dents, also check to see if any panels appear to be loose. If they are, this will allow water to get underneath and start leaking into your home, leading to even bigger problems.


Once you notice any signs of roof damage to your home, time is of the essence. Whether you can get by with repairs or instead need a complete roof replacement, doing so will help get your home back to its pre-storm condition.
