Signs That Your Business’s Roof Is Failing Fast

Properly maintaining your business’s roof will increase its longevity by quite a bit, but that component of the building is going to fail at some point. As a business owner, it is vital that you always keep an eye out for any signs that your roof might be severely damaged or nearing the end of its lifespan.

Multiple Leaks

One of the most common and obvious signs of a damaged roof is one or more leaks. These leaks will need to be repaired as soon as possible. If the damage isn’t addressed right away, then you will most likely need to replace a large portion of the roof so that you don’t have to deal with bigger leaks down the road.

Once the repairs are made, you can take preventative measures by waterproofing your roof. A roof coating like spray polyurethane foam can help keep water out of your building, even on areas of the roof that tend to pool. It can also help protect your building against outside temperatures and elements.

Sudden Spike in Energy Bills

Many people don’t realize that a roof can have a huge impact on the efficiency of a building and one’s monthly energy bills. That is just one of the many reasons why you should inspect your roof if you have noticed any sudden changes in your company’s heating and cooling bills. A large spike in those bills could be a sign that your roof is damaged or no longer as efficient as it used to be.

Widespread Exterior Damage

At least once every few months, you or a contractor should take a close look at the outside of the roof to see if there is any damage. Some of the most common types of exterior roof damage include broken tiles, curled shingles, bent flashing, and rust. While minor roof damage typically requires nothing more than a few small repairs, extensive damage could be a sign that your roof is beginning to fail.

Ceiling Damage

When a roof is failing fast, you might begin to notice a few issues inside your business as well. As water seeps into the building, the ceiling will most likely be the first area that becomes damaged. You could begin to notice issues such as sagging ceiling panels, discolored patches on the ceiling, or a lingering musty smell that won’t seem to go away.

In addition to these few signs, you should also consider the age of the roof. After 30 or 40 years, even a well-maintained roof might need to be replaced, and carrying out that project before any serious damage occurs could save you quite a bit of money in the long run.