4 Things You’ll Need For A Full Bathroom Remodel

When it comes time to redo your bathroom, there are several elements you’ll need to update. Going into your bathroom remodel with a complete plan will help you get the job done quickly and ensure that everything matches well in the end. Here are the top four things you’ll need for your full bathroom remodel.

4 Things You'll Need For A Full Bathroom Remodel

New Sink Vanity

The sink vanity is one of the main centerpieces in any bathroom. When you’re remodeling, it’s often a good idea to choose a sink vanity you like and then design the rest of the bathroom around it. Don’t be afraid to spend a bit of money on a vanity, since a more expensive and better looking model will add both beauty and value to your home. If you’re moving the vanity to a new location, you may also need to look into plumbing services.

Shower Surround

As with the vanity, the shower surround is one of the key elements in your bathroom. Picking the right material and color for your shower surround can drastically upgrade the overall look of your bathroom and make it feel more modern. These days, slate and tile are some of the most popular materials for this purpose. Just be sure that the material you pick complements the rest of your bathroom design or it could look unusual when the project is finished.


Once you pick out your shower surround, you’ll need to select flooring to match it. The colors and materials don’t necessarily have to be the same, but they should complement each other to create a uniform look in your bathroom. It’s also important to pick out a material that will hold up well to water, since bathroom flooring is frequently subjected to water being splashed out of the shower or tub.


The final step in designing your new bathroom should be the lighting. At minimum, you’ll need an overhead light fixture. These days, though, it’s also very trendy to have a lighted mirror or medicine cabinet over the sink. Your lighting fixtures should fit in with the rest of the bathroom, and ideally match the dominant colors in the room.

Once you’ve selected these four elements, you’ll be ready to get going on your bathroom remodel. Whether you’re creating a traditional bathroom in an older house or a modern design to update the feel of your home, these four items are essential in designing your new and improved bathroom.
