6 Ways To Keep the Kids Happy When the AC Fails

When your AC fails, you’re probably not looking forward to sweating it out until it’s fixed. However, if you have kids at home things are even worse. They’re not likely to handle it as well as you are, and you’re certainly not thrilled about it yourself. Knowing ways to keep the kids happy when the AC fails keeps them occupied.

Put All Your Fans in One Room

Get every mobile fan you’ve got and put them all in one room for concentrated cooling. Open windows on at least two walls for some draft, and then let the kids gather around the TV or play video games. It’s a good idea to choose a room in the basement or lower level of your house. That way, the heat will rise and the natural cooling of a basement will help out.

Eat Light Foods

Don’t let anyone eat heavy while the AC is out. Light and fresh foods keep bodies cool and possibly better hydrated. Also try to keep the oven off, as that will only contribute to the heat. Another trick is to stay hydrated. Our bodies cool themselves through sweat, and without water, there is no sweat. Heat exhaustion is the last thing you want right now. Stay hydrated by keeping a bottle of water handy and filled.

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Sprinkler Party

Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later before someone from Metro Express Service or a local HVAC service can come to visit you and fix your AC. When they do show up, you might want to have a sprinkler party in the front yard so the technician can work in peace in the backyard or wherever your unit is. The water will also keep your kids cool and happy. After all, who doesn’t like playing in the sprinklers?

Visit an Indoor Playground

Spending an hour or two sitting in a fast-food restaurant with an indoor playground might not usually be your cup of tea, but you can let the little ones play to their hearts’ content. Depending on how much you need to keep an eye on them, bring your laptop or tablet to use the Wi-Fi and get some work done. The air conditioning of the restaurant will keep your kids from overheating.

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See a Movie

Summers are big times for many movies. People love getting into an enclosed space with air conditioning, darkness, and cold drinks. If you can’t get a repair soon, a movie will be a great way to spend your time away from the heat. So beat the heat, and tune the world out for a few hours.

Call a Neighbor

If you have a neighbor or friend who owes you a favor or wouldn’t mind a future favor from you, then call them. A play date with friends their age whose air conditioning is still working might just keep your kids from knowing anything is wrong at all.

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Having ways to keep the kids happy whenever the AC goes out doesn’t just keep them busy. They might just keep your mind off things until the system is fixed and back on. These are great ideas to have in case you face one of the tougher days of being a parent.
