Back Pain: What’s Normal and What Needs A Doctor

According to the American Chiropractic Association, 80 percent of people have back pain at some point. This is normal, and several things can cause it. For example, if you lift something too heavy, then you may have back pain. It can also be caused by poor posture.

Even though back pain is normal, there are times when you need to see a doctor. The following is a list of signs that indicate it is time for you to get checked by a doctor.

Back Pain What's Normal and What Needs A Doctor

Your Pain Will Not Go Away

Back pain will typically go away if you take the time to rest. However, if you have had the pain for more than one week, then you should see a doctor. You may have a lingering injury or serious underlying injury that needs to be treated.

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You Have Problems with Your Bladder or Bowels

It is always a concern if you have back pain along with other symptoms. If you have a fever, problems with your bowels or bladder along with your back pain, then it is time for you to see a doctor. You may have an infection that needs to be treated.

You Have Pain after an Accident

It is a good idea to be evaluated by a doctor if you have been involved in an accident. Your doctor can make sure that you have not been seriously injured. They can also develop a back pain management plan that is right for you. Many people live in chronic pain after an accident. This can usually be avoided if a person gets the right treatment early on.

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You Are Starting to Lose Weight

Weight loss is a concern if you have not been trying to lose weight. If this weight loss is accompanied by back pain, then it can be even more concerning. Your doctor can determine why you have back pain and are losing weight. They can also help you find the appropriate treatment.

Back pain is not something that is out of the ordinary. Most of us will have it. However, some things are not normal. If you have had back pain for more than a week or have other symptoms along with it, then it is time to see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if you have back pain after an accident. Furthermore, if you are losing weight, then you should see a doctor.
