6 Things To Know About Organic Foods

Eating organic foods is very important if one wants to live a truly clean lifestyle. Non-organic food simply has too many chemicals and possibly hormones that could wreak havoc on your body.

However, it is admittedly very difficult to figure out how to properly make use of organic foods. There are a lot of claims from both organic and non-organic parties, and you never really know who’s telling the truth. Hence, below are a few pointers which may help you along the way.

6 Things To Know About Organic Foods

1. Meaning Of Organic

In order to go organic, one has to first realize what it means. Organic food is thus labeled because of the growing and processing procedures it goes through. Regulations for organic food are admittedly not the same in every country. In the United States, though, the term ‘organic’ usually means that the food is free from GMOs, petroleum fertilizers, sewage fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, etc.

2. Livestock

If the food is derived from livestock, the animals in question should ideally be grass-fed. They must also have been allowed to roam outdoors, as well as remaining free from growth hormones, antibiotics, or products of other animals. If not grass-fed, their feed must be organic.

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This basically means that the animals should not be processed in a factory before they are utilized for their products. They shouldn’t be kept in boxes their whole lives. They should also not be injected with any foreign substance meant to increase their weight or output. Coursework writing UK could help to put together an assignment on what to watch out for when buying organic produce.

3. Location

Organic food is also locally grown. It hence helps your local economy when you buy organic. This is because, as it is free from preservatives, organic foodstuff usually doesn’t last that long. It hence cannot survive traveling long distances to far-flung markets. So if you want to eat organic, stay away from the imported food aisle.

This means that organic food is also likely to be more fresh than non-organic. Simply speaking, it cannot last on the shelves for long. Hence, it is better to buy in small amounts and consume them as you go.

4. Natural Control Methods

When non-organic crops are grown, it usually doesn’t matter how much a field is used or what fertilizer enhances it. With organic food, however, crop rotation, tilling, mulching, and manual weeding is important. This serves to give a field some time to rest and recover before the next planting.

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Pests are usually controlled with natural was for organic crops. These include scarecrows, traps, birds, etc. For non-organic, pesticides are usually the first resort.

5. Health Benefits Of Going Organic

Organic foods have a lot of benefits to them, and they’re not wholly restricted to your diet. They can actually have a positive effect on mental, emotional, and physical health. Soon, the organic food eater would see their skin clearing up as well as a balancing of hormones within.

Organic foods also have more antioxidants than their non-organic counterparts. This helps the body in fighting off more diseases. Hence, the consumer of organic foodstuffs is less likely to get ill. They may even find that some of their food allergies disappear when they switch to organic eating.

6. Environmental Impact

It may surprise some to know that going organic is also a green way of living. When you buy organic, you are supporting pesticide-free farming. It is usually grown on smaller farms that need all the help they can get.

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Plus, organic farming prevents all kinds of environmental problems. These include water wastage, soil erosion, soil infertility, and general pollution. What’s more, the natural way of growing things is also automatically better for the natural life living near farms.


Going for an organic diet is not that easy. However, it is not that difficult and is definitely worth the extra effort. Hopefully, you would soon see a major difference in your health and energy as a result of an increased organic intake.

Amelie J