Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Involved In A Motor Vehicle Accident

Many people die due to road accidents in Australia every month. That means that motor vehicle accidents are quite common in the country. If, unfortunately, you get involved in one, you  may have to deal with crippling injuries, the loss of someone near and dear or worse.

Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Involved In A Motor Vehicle Accident

It is normal to have questions rather than answers after the crash, but you should not let them overwhelm you. The important thing is that you’re alive. So you can get to the next step which is avoiding the mistakes that can get you in trouble, especially if you were in one of the cars involved in the crash.

Here are the mistakes you should avoid.

1.    Not Calling the Police Immediately

This one should be a no brainer. You must contact the law-enforcement agencies after a car crash always as they’re the ones responsible for surveying the scene and writing a report on it. They also try to determine what caused the accident. They don’t figure out who is at fault for civil liability reasons, but their professional judgement about the accident’s occurrence is critical.

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They talk to witnesses, get the names and other details plus the accounts of people involved in the accident. The witnesses may also be able to back up your side of the story if you’re in the right.

Remember not to admit any fault for the crash until you have a personal injury lawyer from https://www.lawadvice.com.au/ by your side as you might take on more responsibility than you need for the crash. You may also need the help of the police as witnesses if the other party is hostile towards you or anyone else.

2.    Not Swapping Insurance Details

Being involved in a crash can be devastating or it may appear harmless until the following day. You might feel pain from the internal injures the following day but without the other party’s insurance details you’ll not be able to get proper compensation for those injuries.

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Remember to exchange insurance details at your first opportunity, including name, number and address of the driver or the owner, if the owner isn’t the driver. Note the license plate number and the make, colour and model of the car, too.

3.    Thinking too Much About the Claim

Don’t let the statute of limitations on the accident pass you by. If you want to file for a personal injury lawsuit, do it as soon as you can after getting in touch with a lawyer. Don’t let the timer run out; otherwise you may have no legal recourse (way to settle) for the injury claim.

4.    Not Knowing Your Rights

When the other party was negligent in their driving, you may be liable for more than just damages for property loss and medical expenses. You might even qualify for damages relating to pain, suffering and lost wages. Many people may overlook this, or may just be plain unaware of their total legal rights. Be sure to check with your state to see what your complete rights are.

Dessie H
Categorized as Law