Everything you need to know about PCT test

PCT or Post Coital test is the leading fertility test which helps to find the case of infertility. The test is also addressed as Huhner Test or Sims Test to examine interaction between the mucus of cervix and sperm. The test is done when one is closer to ovulation. It is during this time that mucus is in abundance. Before the test, the couple is asked to indulge in sexual activity in the morning hours. After 2-3 hours, the woman is tested for fertility. It can speak a lot about one’s fertility. The medical professional examines the woman and during the time mucus is extracted from woman’s cervical canal and is then spread on the glass slide. If there are 50 or more than 50 motile sperms, then the person is normal. If there is any antispermal antibody, the sperm will appear shaky. During the PCT test, cervical mucus is evaluated for its viscosity, quality and fern test.

What is the Post Coital Test all about?

‘Coital’ is the term which is associated with coitus or sexual intercourse. The test is conducted to evaluate interaction of mucus and sperm, as already stated. For anyone to attain conception, the proper interaction between mucus and sperm is necessary. If there is any problem or delay in conception, the test is prescribed. For most of the doctors the test is mandatory to perform whenever there is a problem in conceiving. The test is age old and gives accurate results. The test is carried out to get rid of cervical-related abnormality. If the mucus and sperm are unable to interact due to the presence of anti-spermal antibody to inhibit this interaction, the treatment begins immediately. Indeed, the test is prescribed after other tests are done to suggest that the woman is ovulating well and the semen of male is normal.

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How the test is performed?

Just like CPK test is carried out to examine the level of Creatine Phospho Kinase enzyme in the blood, post coital test is carried out to detect cervical related abnormality. What matters here is the timing of the test. The results of the test, its accuracy are dependent on it. If the test is carried out much before or much after ovulation, it will not be valid. The test has to be done within a few hours of ovulation. The maximum time limit may be 24 hours and not more than 24 hours of ovulation.

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To get the most accurate results, it should be done within 4-5 hours of coitus. It is required to have intercourse during ovulation or else the test will be invalid. But, prior to the test, the couple must avoid having sexual intercourse for at least 3 days.

The steps adopted for the test

Physical examination of female partner takes place with the use of speculum. A small quantity of cervical mucus is extracted from cervix of female and is then sent for testing. This sort of test will not cause any problem to the female. The PCT is carried out along with pelvic ultrasound. It ensures that the test is done exactly during ovulation. This cervical mucus is examined under the microscope and the quality is assessed along with sperm motility, its quantity and similar aspects. If the sperm motility is within the normal range and the cervical mucus has normal quality, the report is normal.

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Whether it is PCT or liver functioning test, they may now be done right at the comfort of your home.

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Justin J