Perpetual Cenacle Prayer Services

If you would like to enroll in a perpetual Cenacle prayer service, you will be able to enjoy several unique benefits that are exclusive to you. This is an ideal service for those who want to be a larger part of their churches, or for those who feel as though they already play an important role in their churches and communities. These prayers are designed around cards and folders that ensure that a certain prayer will be given at each Mass according to your specifications.

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Perpetual Cenacle Prayer Services

If you want to have a loved one who has passed on to be honored and remembered, you can always work with this service. Similarly, if you want to have the community’s prayers with you, it is recommended for you to have such a service based on the situation at hand. You can dedicated prayers to those fighting in war, those who suffer from drug addictions, and even those fighting diseases.

Christina M
Categorized as General