Tools To Help You Start Your Pet Grooming Business

If you have decided to combine your love of pets with your desire to be your own boss, you may be making plans to start a pet grooming business. To make sure your grooming business is the one Fido will always want to visit, it is essential you have the right tools and supplies from the first day you open for business. If you are ready to lay the groundwork for becoming a successful pet groomer, here are some basic tools you’ll need in your shop.

Bathing Station

When Fido arrives at your shop, chances are they will need a bath to rid their fur of dirt and other stuff that could keep them from looking their very best. Therefore, make a bathing station one of your top priorities. While you can bathe dogs in a standard sink, this often results in their hair and other stuff clogging the drain. Instead, purchase a large dog tub with a hose attachment.

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Grooming Tables

As you groom a dog or even a kitty, you will need pet grooming tables that are large and sturdy. Look for tables that contain a comfortable surface where the pet on which you are working can stand for a period of time. If you think any old table will do, you’re wrong. To get the best results and enhance your reputation as a professional groomer, invest in a high-quality grooming table that contains a hook for a dog tether, ensuring your four-legged client won’t go darting off in the middle of their grooming session.

Brushes and Combs

Since different breeds of dogs have different coats, you’ll need an array of brushes and combs to use on the job. To start with, buy a soft brush to use on dogs with thin hair, along with a thicker brush for dense fur. Also, invest in wire and nylon combs, both of which will be used quite often.

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Grooming Shears

Along with your skills and experience, having a high-quality set of grooming shears will be one of the determining factors as to how well your four-legged friends look once their grooming sessions are completed. If you buy cheap shears that are not heavy-duty, they will get dull or die before you know it. Should you try to get through a grooming session with dull shears, both you and the dog will be aggravated.


Once you invest in top-quality tools for your grooming business, you will be ready to start receiving your first clients. If you do a good job, it won’t be long until you have plenty of dogs and maybe a few cats eager to visit your shop for a makeover.
