Uber Should Use This Online Reputation Management Company

In this digital age, companies are beginning to discover the coveted method of restoring their online brand image by hiring the best online reputation management company. Don’t forget: you heard it here first. This practical, cutting edge marketing solution is going to become as ubiquitous as SEO is today. Through the use of a secretive, proprietary process, companies such as internetreputation.services are able to suppress bad news on search engine results pages. Need to take a look in the mirror and fix up your reputation? You won’t regret it in the long-term.

Uber Should Use This Online Reputation Management Company

A company that is in need of this miracle solution is undoubtedly Uber. Uber has recently endured a string of reputation scandals that have blown up in the press, from their infamous CEO Travis Kalanick circumventing legislation to the many sexual harassment allegations concerning their drivers. Uber’s customer base has been going down due to the release that Uber tracks customers location, including those who have deleted the app. Uber has used a “Greyball” method to extrapolate their consumers’ information, such as credit card and geolocation information to even users’ social media accounts. Their workplace environment has also received considerable amount of defamation. For instance, a former product engineer by the name of Susan Fowler came out with claims that although Uber used to be founded on a dose of healthy competition, she has encountered much harassment and discrimination from her male superiors who are also trying to climb the corporate ladder.

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The recent Twitter #deleteuber campaign cannot be ignored. This uproar stemmed from Uber’s notification of turning off their surge pricing due to the high demand of ride-hailing services thanks to the taxi driver protest against President Trump’s U.S. immigration ban. Many Uber customers saw this as the company’s way to profit off of an important political strike against the current President’s racist and unethical bans. While many users took action by deleting the app in favors of Uber’s competitor Lyft, there was more talk that Uber was not even allowing such consumers to successfully delete their profiles. Uber’s retort to this disastrous and heated reputation crisis was that their intentions were misunderstood as they solely wished to alert consumers that they did not want to take advantage of the increased demand by thus removing their surge pricing feature.

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Whether you believe that Uber had the right intentions or not, this is the perfect case of where they should hire the best online search reputation management company, internet reputation.services, to help clean things up. With increasingly prominent rival competitors such as Lyft in the USA and DidiChuxing in China, Uber needs to step up their game when it comes to online search reputation management. For if Uber fails to clean up their insistent gust of bad news, this ride-hailing company just may cross the line of no repair.

Dessie H
Categorized as Business