Bringing Home a New Furry Friend

There are plenty of good reasons for finally adopting a new pet. Christmas, birthdays, new homes, and other milestone occasions tend to be popular events for buying or gifting furry friends. If you’ve been thinking about adopting a dog or a cat for some extra company around the house, make sure you’re truly ready for the commitment. You may already know that pets are a lot of work, but there are some aspects of pet ownership that many people fail to consider before welcoming an animal into their home. Here are some important steps to take before bringing home your new pet.

Gather All the Necessary Supplies

Don’t wait until your new best friend comes through the front door to shop for essentials. It’s important for these types of animals have a space to call their own as soon as they arrive in order to feel secure and at ease. Be sure to invest in a well-made bed for your pet, but keep in mind that you may have to be flexible about its location in the house. A variety of toys and treats to make things fun will also help keep this new environment exciting and engaging for your pet. Many websites like vet products direct sell cat toys online and you can get all of your shopping done without running from store to store.

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Adjust Your Budget and Schedule

Even if you adopt your pet for free, cats and dogs can be expensive over time. You’ll need to factor new expenses into your monthly budgets, like food, treats, annual vet checkups, and the occasional replacement toy. In addition, it’s important to keep your pet healthy and safe with flea, tick, and heart worm medications, which can be costly when you purchase a larger supply at one time. You may also want to consider obedience classes to help your pet adjust to ebbs and flows of your household. In addition to finances, you’ll need to consider the impact your new pet will have on your daily routines. You’ll need to make time to feed, water, and groom them daily. Both animals also need personal time for affection and play in order to thrive. Find a time that works best for you to walk your dog or clean your cat’s litter box daily.

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Find a Trustworthy Pet Sitter

Do you vacation every summer or travel home every few months to visit family or friends? Are you usually spending time away from home with relatives during holidays or long weekends? Maybe you have a job that requires you to leave the area every so often. No matter how often you travel, it’s important that you select a sitter or boarding house for your cat or dog before you commit to bringing one home. You never know when an emergency may arise, so be sure to have a plan in place before you bring your new pet home. These animals typically feel sad, anxious, or even spiteful when their owners leave, so keeping them home in familiar territory is always the best option. You don’t have to hire a professional to find someone capable of taking good care of your pet. A close friend or family member who loves animals would probably be happy to house sit while taking care of your furry family member. If you do have to board your pet, be sure to tour the facility first and research reviews carefully. Some pet boarding houses have been known to take terrible care of animals while keeping them in poor conditions.

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If you are able to provide and care for a new pet with love and diligence, you’ll find a companion that’s worth the effort. Be sure to plan for your future pet’s needs before making them a part of your family.

Lissa D
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