Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

It is rather naive to think that once you are within the confines of your home, you are protected from air pollution. If the air outside is polluted and filled with contaminants and various particulate matter; the air in your home is polluted as well. However, everyone deserves to be able to breathe a degree of clean air while inside their homes. This includes both human inhabitants of a home and even pets. Bearing this in mind, let’s look at a foolproof natural method of air purification within the home environment; which is indoor plants.

Many species of plants that thrive indoors with minimal exposure to the sun, have detoxifying and purifying impacts on the air within a home. However, for pet owners some caution is required when buying such air purifying plants online or at a nursery to purify indoor air. Some of these plants can be toxic to pets, while others are not. This post highlights 10 best air purifying plants that are safe for pets. Read further to know more-

  1. Areca Palm 

Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

The Areca Palm is a decorative indoor palm that is known to have an air detoxifying effect. It helps to eliminate toluene and xylene in the air and is completely safe for pets to come in contact with.

  1. Spider Plant 

Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

Much like the Areca Palm, the Spider Plant is known to remove poisonous gases in the air like toluene, formaldehyde and xylene. As such, the spider plant is a great addition to a newly painted home, which helps remove toxic fumes in the air. The spider plant is completely safe for pets, and in certain conditions, it is likely to make the air your pet breathes clean and safe.

  1. Purple Waffle Plant 
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Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

The Purple Waffle is a popular indoor plant as it is known for air purifying properties, and is even known to help remove toxic agents such as formaldehyde in the air you breathe indoors. This is a great indoor plant for those that live close to busy motor roads and are impacted by smog and fumes in the air, contributed by vehicles of all kinds. Additionally, this plant is a great addition to your home if you live in an industrialized area, and it is completely safe for pets.

  1. Bamboo Palm

Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

The Bamboo Palm is yet another example of popularly retailed plants with proven air purifying properties. This popular indoor palm is known to eliminate exposure to formaldehyde, toluene and even gasoline fumes in the home environment and is generally a great pet-safe addition to your home interiors, especially if you at the risk of constant exposure to automobile fumes.

  1. Variegated Wax Plant

Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

The variegated wax plant is a popular decorative element in many homes and garden, owing to its unique green and white waxy leaves with unique tie-dye like patterns. The good news is that this aesthetic decorative plant is not only pet safe; but also has air purifying impacts both indoors and outdoors.

  1. Lily Turf 
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Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

The Lily Turf is a grass like plant that may not be suitable for indoors but is a great addition to your private garden for its air purifying properties. Plus, it is completely pet safe. The Lily Turf is known to aid in oxygen production, removes traces of toluene, xylene and formaldehyde from the air around you. It is also known to be beneficial for asthmatics and those afflicted by emphysema.

  1. Boston Ferns

Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

Ferns are great additions to your private garden, but all ferns may not be completely safe for your pets. If you love the aesthetic appeal of ferns, but love your pet even more; consider the pet-safe and air purifying Boston fern. This variation fern species is natural air humidifier and even helps remove trace amounts of formaldehyde in the air.

  1. Dwarf Date Palm

 Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

If you require more shrubbery in your personal garden, consider the pet-safe Dwarf Date Palm that also has significant air purifying properties. This palm species is known to remove trace amounts of various poisonous fumes in the air, including by not limited to automobile fumes, smog and formaldehyde. If you live close to a busy street or in an industrialized area; this is the perfect addition to your personal garden.

  1. Moth Orchids 
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Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

Orchids are beautiful and almost everyone wants them in their homes. However, if you are a pet-owner; Moth Orchids are pet-safe species that will not adversely impact your companion animal in any way. Plus, Moth Orchids are well-known to have significant air purifying properties.

  1. Barberton Daisy 

Pets Friendly 10 Best Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home or Office

The fumes from heavy cleaning solvents can have an adverse impact on the health of your pet, resulting in a host of medical issues. Often times it is impossible to completely do away with these cleaning solvents, but you can purchase air purifying plants online or at nursery; plants like the Barberton Daisy that is known to remove trace amounts of chemical fumes from the air. Additionally, this daisy species is completely pet safe. Barberton daisy is the common name for Gebera Jamesonii plant which is also called as the Transvaal or Gerbera Daisy.


By Shantam

Shantam Dubey is Content Manager at CouponsGrid and enjoys writing for audience from every walk of life encompassing beauty, home décor, shopping, marketing and kids etc. He loves to write and has been exploring new ideas and thoughts to write for last 3 years. He loves cooking, watching movies and reading magazines.