Be Careful When Buying Bunk Beds

Bunk beds can be if great help. These days even kids fantasise to have one in their bedroom. They are convenient as they save a lot of space in the room and it also comes in a cheaper price when compared to buying two single beds.

There are many L shaped bunk beds for toddlers that are available in shops and one can choose from the varieties available. But before buying a bunk bed, one has to follow certain safety steps and in fact before buying they need to examine the beds properly. Until and unless they meet the proper criteria; one should not buy those beds.

Be Careful When Buying Bunk Beds

Here are certain tips given which one should follow when they are thinking of buying bunk beds for their kids.

  • First of all, one needs to know the basic standards and then they have to check whether the bunk bed they are wishing to buy meets those standards or not. The basic standard means it has to have a proper design and construction along with a proper focus on the gaps and spaces between the two bunks. There should be enough space between the two bunks so that the kids’ arms or head does not get caught up.
  • After buying the bunk bed, comes the second vital thing. That is how to fix it. Read the instruction manual very carefully and then put up the bunk bed accordingly. Remember, you need to put all the hammers and screws in a proper way and if not done properly it may harm your child later. If you are not confident enough to put up the bed then call someone who is experienced in doing this. They will nail and fix it in a better way and your children will be safe.
  • Buy a bunk bed which has proper guard rails and an attached ladder. The guard rail has to be fixed on all the four sides of the upper bunk of the bed. Otherwise the child sleeping on the upper bunk may fall while sleeping. Do not try to use wall as a guard rail. It does not act like one. The ladder on the other hand has to be attached to the bed itself. It should come out directly from the bed and not to be attached separately. The steps should be proper so that one does not fall off while coming down or climbing up.
  • Remember, bunk beds can easily be used by a child aged between three to 15 years old. It is also recommended that if you have a child who is more than eight years old should sleep in the upper bunk as they are more careful than the younger ones.
  • There are also lofts or desks attached to the bunk beds. If you are buying one then have a close look at it. They should not be loosely attached.
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One can go for cool loft and study bunk beds for girls as they are easy to maintain and also save spaces.
